woensdag 3 februari 2010

Joy and Pain?

Yesterday a big envelope in the mail, a RAK (Random Acts of Kindness) from ravelry Axioma. This month since it is the month of my birthday I had decided to post a modest small wishlist. Combining this with my 101 list I wanted to spin 10 different (new) fibres this year. Axioma was so kind to send me 4 completely new fibres. Coburger Fuchs wool, a beautiful gray gotland wool, egyptian cotton (sooooo soft) and linen. I will spin them all and put my findings on here... I already touched it all over off course, who could keep their hands of these little clouds in bags.

Then today another envelope from savy2705 and she was so very kind to send me 2 circular needles that i really wanted since i am a (re)starting knitter i dont have so many accesoiries. Now I can cast on 2 more shawls at the same time next to the 2 project i have going already. Don't know if that is smart or if I should just finish what I have first.

Then disaster...or I feel one coming. For the Lace KAL I chose this pattern called liquid silver and decided it to knit from handspun singles in a creamy colour so made it my own and call it liquid cream.
My yarn and esp my singles are not topnotch quality and some parts are overtwisted (no problem jsut have to be careful) but some parts as the picture shows are undertwisted which is way worse. I fear this might unravel and become two loose ends and before i know it probably all the work is gone and i have done it all for nothing... so contemplating now on how to fix this or reinforce this or frog it and start over.... i just fear frogging will screw up the yarn so much it is isnt useable anymore... so options are reinforce or repair once is breaks...for now .. i'll sleep on it.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Hi! I'm in Hate's Knit Along, too, and I'm having to frog my lace for the second time. The first time I dropped 5 stitches, now my lace is not symmetrical and it's suppesed to be. It's VERY off an dI don't know how to fix it, so frog #2! Hope you dont have to frog - it is a soul eating experience!

  2. wow i'm mentioned on youre blog :)
    Oo that's a hard decision about your handspun yarn... already decided?
