donderdag 5 mei 2011

Return from a long absence

It has been quite a while since I posted anything here. And the longer you stay away the higher the hurdle becomes to restart this. So now I have taken the big step and took the effort to start another post. I am not even going to attempt to recap the last 6 months. I have created a lot of yarn in that period and created some shawls.

One of them was this "masterpiece", the evenstar :
This shawl was made from a 1st place winning fleece of a black alpaca and turned out beautiful.

On good friday this year I went back to the same alpaca farm and bought a total of 9 fleeces (all showfleeces) which I will turn into some beautiful shawls again this year.

I am currently working on the Rock Island shawl making in white alpaca :
Currently have made 14 repeats of the edge as this shawl is an edge inward knit shawl.

I am also almost finished knitting the first thing for myself *GASP*.... I have made a rectangular shawl named Goldberry, the same designer as the evenstar. Very very nice soft darkbrown alpaca homespun yarn. I have to take some pictures soon as it is done.

On the spinning side of things I have a new wheel, I have sold my antique wheel and bought a Louet S10 whcih has a bit more options and works a bit nicer and smoother.

Currently on my wheel I have a baby alpaca fleece from the set of showfleeces, it is a very miraculour colour called Rosegrey. This fleece ranging from grey to a brownish red. The spun yarn is a very beautiful color.